Monday, December 14, 2009

The Photographer's Christmas Wish List

Everyone loves to take pictures and I have put together a list of items that are sure to be at the top of a photographers wish list.

  1. Memory cards- be it SD, SDHC, compact flash or the Sony Memory Stick.  Memory cards are without question a must have and lots of them.  They are an inexpensive gift or stocking stuffer that will be greatly appreciated by any photographer.  
  2. Aftermarket camera strap.  If you are an avid photographer these 15-20 dollar beauties are invaluable if you are hiking or are in need of carrying your camera for an extended period of time. 
  3. Cleaning kits-  These kits have become increasingly less expensive over the past couple years.  These are a great purchase and one that will be appreciated so much, especially after a few outings of  missed photos due to artifacts on your image.
  4. Remote Shutter Release-  These are great for taking your own family portraits or a great creative tool if you are looking to do some self portraits.
  5. Gorilla Pod-  A great invention that has come on the scene recently.  These flexible small tripods can attach to numerous structures making it an extremely versatile and lightweight tripod.
  6. Extra lens caps-  If you have lost one,  you know that a spare can prevent you from scratching that expensive lens that a 5-10 dollar lens cap could have saved. 
  7. A photography magazine subscription.  Prices for subscriptions have came way down and why not give that photography a gift that comes every month.
Well, that is my top gifts for 2009 for under $30.00.  So, if you are still searching for that perfect gift for the picture taker in your life, I hope this helps.

I also wanted to share some photos with you all of the past few weeks.

The search for the Barron Family Tree

Found it!!!!!  Cut down by KeeJ "Paul Bunyon"  with his might axe, or bow saw.

Then it was placed on the Sleigh.  Most likely the fattest tree we have ever had.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Digital Photo Power

With today's blog I wanted to really show you some examples of how small things can make a big impact.  So, that is the theme for this post.  You all may have heard about the four slain police officers in Lakewood, WA.  If you haven't heard or want to know more about this horrific act, check out My   The coffee shop and area where these officers where brutally gunned down are places that I know well and I feel a need to show support for the officers and their families.  With that said, I will be donating all the revenue from my picture sales through the month of December to the families of the fallen police officers of Lakewood.  If you want to help out  please take a look at my galleries and order a print or two.  Here are two of my galleries Scenic and Wild.  If you just care to donate directly to the families a fund has been established.  You can donate to that fund directly here, Fallen Officers.

As you can see with these photos below little things do make a difference.  The before and after photos are the same picture with just a few keystrokes that have really added some drama.




Here are some more photoshop and aperature projects I have been working on lately.

Again little things make a difference and you can help make a difference to the families of the Lakewood Police Officers.  Here are the links again.  My galleries, Scenic and Wild.  Direct donations, Fallen Officers